Sólveig Valgerður Sveinbjörnsdóttir
My name is Sólveig and I’m 16 years old, I was born on December 13th. 1994 so I will be 17 in December. I live in Höfn, and I’ve lived here for almost my whole life, except one year when I was in the 10’th grade then I lived In Garðabær which is near Reykjavík the capital of Iceland.
We are four in my family. My mum Sigurborg, my dad Sveinbjörn, my younger sister Katrín and we have a dog, her name is Pollý. My family lives in Garðabær, but I live in Höfn with my grandmother Katrín. All of my friends live here and I love being in FAS because it is a small school where everybody knows each other. That’s very nice.
My hobbies are football, and I play with the team of Höfn which is called Sindri, I play with the premier league team and with my age group. I like travelling and hanging with my friends and my family. I also love to go skiing and hiking.
I haven't decided what I am going to do in the future but I would like to learn something like geology or I would like to learn about the human body, I have always been interested in becoming a doctor, physiotherapist or chiropractor, but there are so many possibilities so you never know.